Release Notes, Week 174

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Release Notes 174

Hello, hello SyncSpiders!

We’re finishing the year with exciting news for all Amazon and WeClapp users! Our development team has improved the existing integrations with some exciting and useful features.

So, let’s start with WeClapp! We have two improvements to the Create Customer entity:

1) You now have the option on the destination configuration to choose whether the task will (a) create a customer, (b) update a customer, or (c) create/update a customer in the same task.

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2) Speaking of the Create Customer entity, we’re introducing dynamically added custom fields on the destination schema, which you can add to the customer or its contacts

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3) And the third big improvement would be a Get Sales Order entity, where PDF documents can be included within the order.

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Okay, now let’s move on to Amazon!

We have a special shortcut for Amazon users to get Shipping costs together with the item. How?

The checkbox within the Source Order Entity says, “Include shipping costs in order item.”

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Once you tick it, within your mapping screen, you will be able to find “Order items,” which is the place to find these data.

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Previously, we had “Order item with shipping cost,” but since this is a new and more straightforward way of including shipping costs within the item, we will remove this collection within the next two months.

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Anything else? Well, yes, we have been fixing bugs and upgrading the system to welcome the big 2024 style. We solved issues with Amazon (yes, more of Amazon), CSV, WeClapp (yes, yes), and SyncSpider core updates.

And that would be all for the updates for this year! Happy holidays, and see you with new hotfixes and important improvements in 2024!

Improved integrations


Amazon users who experienced issues with connecting it to Asian and European marketplaces will be happy to know that the issue was resolved. All they needed to do was to integrate Amazon one more time. We also improved integration by enabling incremental import for the FBA inventory summary.

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Custom CSV

For CSV users, we solved the bug causing issues with updating and importing contacts.

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For WeClapp users, we solved the issue causing the missing countryCode Field in the POST Request.

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SyncSpider core updates

  • We fixed the problem with dysfunctional image URLs.

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