Release Notes, Week 194


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Release Notes 194

Hello, SyncSpider Community!

We’ve got some exciting updates to share with you this time around. Let’s start with a fascinating statistic: nearly 96% of European consumers made online purchases in the first quarter of this year. As you can see, eCommerce is thriving and growing in popularity.

For those of you immersed in this dynamic industry, you understand the necessity of being omnipresent across all platforms. That’s precisely where SyncSpider comes in—to seamlessly sync all your marketplaces and automate those tedious tasks you once handled manually. With SyncSpider, you can focus on what matters, knowing that your platforms are always up to date and your tasks are handled efficiently.

Our commitment to delivering the best service means we’re always striving to improve. Over the past week, we’ve rolled out several bug fixes and enhancements across various platforms, including Mirakl, Shopify, ITscope, and SpiderHub. These updates are a direct result of your feedback and usage, showing how integral you are to our operations.

Here’s a closer look at what’s new:

Improved integrations


For Mirakl integration, we implemented improvements related to the product source entity. We included a new option to upload a document (CSV, Excel format) as a Product list template. You can specify the ProductID and UID types to collect product data in the Mirakl GET products endpoint response.

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We fixed a minor issue with the cache for those who run big Shopify stores with a large traffic volume or large catalogs, though permanent fixing will require more work.

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We fixed the problem causing ITscope to be missing attributes due to an older API version for importing products. We have now implemented the latest one.

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SpiderHub updates

  • We fixed the UI issue for setting the number of decimals

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