Release Notes, Week 193

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Release Notes 193

Hi there, SyncSpiders!

We have some exciting updates to share with you this week, especially for those of you leveraging ChatGPT in your eCommerce operations. We are thrilled to announce enhanced functionalities for advanced users, allowing more control and customization over how ChatGPT generates responses.

You can now fine-tune various parameters to optimize ChatGPT’s performance according to your specific needs. By clicking on “Show Advanced Options,” you will gain access to a range of settings, including Temperature, Top P, Frequency Penalty, Presence Penalty, and Max Tokens. These options empower you to tailor the responses to better suit your requirements and preferences.

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In addition to the ChatGPT enhancements, we’ve also been busy with several bug fixes and improvements across various integrations. This week, we addressed issues and made updates for ChannelEngine, Mirakl, ITscope, Shöpping, WooCommerce, SpiderHub, and SyncSpider core updates.

Our continuous growth and development efforts aim to provide the best tools and functionalities to streamline your eCommerce operations.

We grow, we change, we progress.

Thank you for being a part of our journey!

Improved integrations


For Channel-Engine users who experienced issues with sending invoices, we’re glad to inform you that the problem is fixed.

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We fixed the issue causing an Error message when creating a task on Mirakl, and now everything works as expected.

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For ITscope users, we introduced a new field when creating products, release_date.

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We fixed the issue with updating orders on Shöpping integration.

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We fixed the bug that was causing issues with sending orders from WooCommerce to local ERP.

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  • A small improvement on SpiderHub; the header data grid sticks when scrolling.

SyncSpider core updates

  • Inside the old version of SyncSpider, the users have the icon that leads to the task execution history list page.

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