Revolutionizing Furniture Shopping: How Innovation Drives Success

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eCom Ops Podcast, Revolutionizing Furniture Shopping: How Innovation Drives Success, Alex Back, Founder of

In this episode of the eCom Ops podcast, we sit down with Alex Back, CEO and founder of With over 15 years in the e-commerce and online retail industry, Alex shares his journey from running a direct-to-consumer furniture brand to creating an innovative platform aimed at solving the biggest pain points in furniture shopping. Join us as we explore the insights and experiences that have shaped Alex’s career and his vision for the future of e-commerce.


Alex Back boasts over 15 years of experience in the e-commerce and online retail industry. He is passionate about creating and scaling innovative solutions tailored to modern consumers’ needs and preferences. Currently, Alex serves as the CEO and Founder of, a platform dedicated to resolving the issue of finding and purchasing couches, a gap in the existing market.

He co-founded and led Apt2B, a successful home furnishings brand, growing it from a Hollywood studio apartment startup to a company with over $40M in annual revenue. Alex led Apt2B through a successful acquisition and exit in 2018, staying on as COO for another four years and achieving a 7X growth under new ownership despite pandemic challenges. His notable achievements at Apt2B include developing a scalable business model, cultivating a loyal customer base, and establishing strategic partnerships with major brands. – In recent years, the furniture industry has seen significant advancements thanks to e-commerce and technology. While these innovations have made shopping more convenient, accessible, and affordable, one age-old question still persists among American consumers: Where on earth do I buy a couch? At, they set out to tackle this dilemma head-on. The platform is designed to streamline the couch shopping experience by minimizing the myriad variables – from comfort and style to price, timing, and logistics – that often make it daunting. aims to transform couch shopping from a tedious chore into an enjoyable and effortless process, akin to what Richard Simmons did for exercise (minus all the, well, exercise).

The Key Takeaways

From Apartment2B to A Journey in E-commerce

Alex Back’s extensive experience in the furniture industry began with his direct-to-consumer brand, Apartment2B. He navigated the challenges of e-commerce in a time when online furniture shopping was unheard of, ultimately leading to the successful sale of his company.

The Birth of An Aha Moment in Norway

Inspired by a solo trip to Norway and the sight of the Northern Lights, Alex had a revelation about staying in the furniture business but in a more innovative and scalable way. was born as a platform to help consumers find the perfect furniture by leveraging extensive industry knowledge and connections.

Addressing the Biggest Problem in Furniture Shopping

Alex identified that the number one issue for consumers is knowing where to buy great furniture. aims to bridge this gap by providing expertise and curated recommendations, helping consumers make informed decisions without the hassle.

Monetization and Business Model operates as an advertising platform for furniture retailers, utilizing traditional affiliate marketing and a dynamic vendor database and marketplace. By offering content pieces, reviews, and curated lists, the platform monetizes through affiliate commissions and CPC revenue.

Leveraging Technology for a Seamless Experience

With a background in vetting visualization tools, Alex integrates cutting-edge technologies like 3D rendering and AI-driven room planning into These tools help users visualize how furniture will fit and look in their space, reducing return rates and enhancing the shopping experience.

The Importance of Customer Service in E-commerce

Alex emphasizes that customer service is crucial in e-commerce, especially in the furniture industry. A robust post-purchase experience can significantly impact a company’s reputation and bottom line, making it essential to invest time and resources in this area.

Learning SEO and Content Marketing

Reflecting on his journey, Alex highlights the importance of SEO and content marketing, areas he wished he had focused on earlier. Investing in these strategies can yield long-term benefits and drive significant traffic and conversions.

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The No.1 eCom Operations hack

“The number one thing that people in the e-commerce space really don’t focus enough on is the customer’s experience post-purchase.”

eCom Ops Podcast, Quote, Alex Back, Founder of

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