WordPress Integration – How and Why?

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WordPress is one of the most popular software for creating websites in the world. This content management system is the platform for more than 455,000,000 (that’s a lot of zeros there!:) )

Due to its flexibility and simplicity, it can be used for many different purposes.

You can create blogs, portfolios, business sites eCommerce stores –  pretty much anything.

More than 35% of all internet out there is powered by WordPress!!!

I believe that the above-stated answers why we see SyncSpider’s WordPress integration module as one of our most valued modules.

WordPress is complex, It includes various plugins and template systems and allows you to create custom fields. Furthermore, there is a possibility to create specific meta fields and meta fields attribute for a vast number of use cases.

This is all-important to know and keep in mind if you want to synchronize the data from WordPress with other apps, platforms, ERP’s or shopping systems and various eCommerce platforms.

To cover all use cases and give maximum value for SyncSpiders WordPress integration, our product team has identified that we need to cover 2 following cases :

  • How to import/export WordPress meta fields
  • How to synchronize WordPress plugins meta fields

Continue reading how we have solved that with SyncSpider.

The challenge was how to make meta fields visible and use them when connecting to third systems.

Usually, you can use SyncSpider and integrate it with different systems only via API code, URL or similar (depending on the target app/system).

But, since WordPress is huge and demanding, we needed to create a special SyncSpider plugin, so that SyncSpider platform can communicate all WordPress data and sync it (both ways) with 3rd apps, systems, and platforms.

This plugin is on the list of WordPress plugins and can be downloaded like any other plugin.

>>Download SyncSpider plugin here.<<

Using it, all these specific fields for B2B or for any other shop plugins, as well as for everything that has meta field at the backend can be filled. And not just that. Using SyncSpider plugin, both WordPress and meta fields of integrated application are visible and you can work with them.

How to import/export data from native WordPress plugins.

Using WordPress Meta fields with existing WordPress plugins.

USE CASE: Migrating products from Oddo to WooCommerce

When we are talking about meta fields, it is important to mention that SyncSpider provides users with more options than any other tool so far. We can see that clearly in the case of products.

NOTE: WooCommerce is one of the top-rated, most popular e-commerce plugin for WordPress. SyncSpier we also have a native WooCommerce integration module based on our existing WP module.

Filtering and finding the right data is the first step

If you want to send orders from WooCommerce to Odoo, the first thing to set are filters. In this case, you want to import all the orders. It can be always all orders or just those that are processing.

If we want to take products from Odoo and send them to WooCommerce, here are some of the meta fields you can choose

On the mapping screen, you can find many different options for meta fields including different order lines which can be those with coupons or shipping.

For example, you can map the delivery time meta field which is not given as a default. There is also the meta field called base price calculation as well as a barcode, and now they can be set as well.

Meta fields are of the utmost importance when it comes to orders.

How to synchronize WordPress meta fields data to other systems, apps or platforms?

USE CASE: Importing new users from Oddo to WordPress

Our goal is to import users from Odoo to WordPress, so you pick the options partners as a source from Odoo integration module.

Firstly, we are setting Odoo as a source and pick the filters for the source. After that, we define the identifier for users, in this case, it is an e-mail because it is an obligation field when you create a user.

The next step is mapping on the mapping screen. On the left, you can find all attributes of the source(in this case Odoo ERP), and on the right, all attributes of the target (in our case WordPress).

Besides those fields which are given by default in WordPress, there are many different meta fields that are extracted by SyncSpider plugin.

NOTE: If you want to make these meta fields visible, you need to create manually one entry in this specific post type, in this case, the User. For that user, you need to fill out all the fields that you want to be seen for all other users. So, just got to your WordPress

MORE USE CASES… How to create a WordPress post automatically

Besides users, we can talk about dealers, as well. In this case, we want to send dealers from Odoo to WordPress post.

So we should set up the filters for source, in this case, that is Odoo. We define attribute equals yes. That way, we only send specific users (dealers in this case) to WordPress post.

The next step is to configure the target. We choose the identifier, the name or ID, and that we choose from many offered post types.

p.s. Here is an example in German, but for you, it will show in your native system language

When it comes to mapping you can map country code for example.

But not only that, you can create elaborate mappings. We have Category, Option, Bulletin, and Complex fields. Which will give you various options on what to send to WordPress and to which field.


SyncSpider plugin for WordPress helps you to automatize daily tasks the integration of different plugins.

It can help you sync or automatically update Posts and Users, and not only that, but products, orders, and dealers can be exported and imported as well.

The huge number of meta fields enable you to create your own and the most productive combination of setting in order to run your business in the best possible way.

SyncSpider is the app-2-app integration tool built for eCommerce.

Grow your sales by instantly becoming a multichannel retailer, update your inventory between multiple web stores with a single click and connect your favorite eCommerce tools to work flawlessly in sync.

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