Automating the eCommerce Shipping Process with Francesco Borghi, Founder, and CEO at ShippyPro

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In this week’s episode of the eCom Ops Podcast, Norbert Strappler is joined by Francesco Borghi, Founder, and CEO at ShippyPro. They discuss the founding and evolution of ShippyPro, how ShippyPro helps eCommerce sites manage and automate their shipping and logistics, and tips on eCom sales and ROI growth. 

Key facts

  • Francesco’s LinkedIn
  • ShippyPro’s website
  • Francesco Borghi is the Founder and CEO of ShippyPro
  • Francesco founded ShippyPro in 2016
  • ShippyPro helps eCommerce businesses automate their dispatches 
  • Francesco specialised in sales, merchandising, and marketing operations at the University of Birmingham 
  • ShippyPro serves more than sixty eCommerce stores and has over 150 logistics partners to facilitate the eCom shipping process 
  • In 2021 ShippyPro generated $5M in revenue 

Key takeaways

  • After completing his masters, Francesco started selling leather products, shoes, belts, jackets, etc., on Shopify. This made Francesco realise his interest in eCommerce
  • Francesco built the ShippyPro Software in 2016. ShippyPro has now become the universal shipping technology for eCommerce businesses
  • Through ShippyPro, Francesco aims to offer automated and integrated order fulfilment and return management procedures to eCom businesses. He further envisions becoming the centre of the eCommerce world by offering sustainable and problem-free shipping solutions  
  • “Creating a shipment label wastes a lot of time”. Whereas ShippyPro saves you time by providing several options to automate labelling and tracking of shipped and pending to ship items 
  • ShippyPro sends timely notifications about shipments and processes to eCom owners as well as customers to ensure proactivity and engagement 
  • At ShippyPro, Francesco works closely with SMEs and large enterprises to help them stay competent 
  • ShippyPro facilitates more than sixty eCommerce stores and has more than 150 logistics partners  to facilitate the shipping process
  • ShippyPro offers 95% shipping efficiency through its integrations and automation strategy 
  • Gender equality and maintaining multilingual culture are the core values of ShippyPro. Francesco shares that they offer ShippyPro in five languages and are ready to integrate a sixth
  • Francesco shares that with an increase in eCommerce suppliers people are more drawn to shop online. COVID-19, isolation, and social distancing have further impacted eCommerce businesses in a positive way. Furthermore, demand for efficient shipping management has also increased. That’s where ShippyPro steps in to help e-merchants manage shipments efficiently 
  • Francesco shares that ShippyPro donates a major portion of its revenues to charitable organizations to help those affected by COVID-19

Francesco’s biggest influences

  • Francesco shares that there is not a single person that he can say influenced him but he acknowledges all of his friends, colleagues, and experts who helped him develop his skills and understanding of the eCommerce industry 

Francesco’s No.1 operation’s hack

“Add value to your customers by offering them strategic competitive advantages through your services, answer their questions timely, and save your time by accomplishing tomorrow’s task today.” This has helped many B2B businesses grow their sales and business volume, as it presents a better version of their company.

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